GreenPro Certification

GreenPro Certification

The GreenPro Certification is awarded by the CII-IGBC in an attempt to encourage companies to be more environmentally conscientious. 

GreenPro is a Type – 1 Ecolabel which enables the end users in the building sector and manufacturing sector to choose sustainable products, materials and technologies for reducing the environment impacts during the construction, operation and maintenance of their buildings and factories.

A product which bears GreenPro Ecolabel has lower environment impact and contributes significantly for enhancing the performance of Green Buildings and Green Companies.

GreenPro Ecolabel applies product specific ‘Ecolabel Standards’ for evaluating the products given by Confederation of Indian Industry (CII).

GreenPro Certification Image


  • Helps in achieving National and International Green Building Certification.
  • Ensures Toxic and Carcinogen free products.
  • Enables Green product Innovation
  • Enhances the market reach with credible and precise information on the Green features

Why Greenex

The limited organizations are providing this type of service. Greenex Environmental is one of the leading organizations which provides green certification services.

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